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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TBriederaw on April 18, 2010, 10:51:44 PM

Title: Free movie online
Post by: TBriederaw on April 18, 2010, 10:51:44 PM
Free Movies Preview 

Download Crazy Heart (

House of the Dead
Artists: Brazeau, Jay
Directors: Boll, Uwe
Keywords: axe bad-smell based-on-video-game beer blood blood-splatter boat boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship breasts bullet-time cannibalism cape cellular-phone cemetery cigar cleavage cop corpse critically-bashed cross crucifix crushed-head death decapitation desert-eagle dismemberment dynamite experiment exploding-body exploding-head explosion explosive female-nudity fire flasher florida-keys gore graveyard grenade gun gunpowder hand-grenade hand-to-hand-combat helicopter immortality impalement island laboratory lasersight mace-and-chain machete martial-arts microscope mutation narration neck-breaking-scene nudity pistol police rave resurrection scientist sea-sickness see-you-in-hell severed-arm severed-head severed-leg ship shot-in-the-forehead shot-in-the-head shotgun skeleton skinny-dipping slide-locked-back smuggler spin-off-from-video-game spinning-axe stabbed-in-the-hand suicide swimming sword-fight tombstone topless torso-cut-in-half tunnel video-footage vomit-scene weapon zombie
Genre: Action Horror Mystery Thriller
Info: This film is a prequel to all of the The House of the Dead video games. Set on an island off the coast, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead...
Additional Info:The Hong Kong VCD is uncut with extra blood and gore.

<a href=>Download Crazy Heart</a>

Artists: Ackles, Alan
Directors: Winkler, David
Keywords: beautiful-woman computer-game female-nudity hunting murder satan
Genre: Horror
Info: In Cheever Lake, the twenty-one years old Jake Gray (Jensen Ackles) has bloody nightmares while awake. His friends Conrad Dean (Teach Grant) and Dakota (Dominique Swain) apply him in a weird game called "The Pathway". Jake begins to mix reality with daydreams, while his closest friends die. Jake blames the game, which might be connected to the devil, for the deaths of his friends and decides to investigate the mystery.
Company kind:distributors
Company name:Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Additional Info:CONT: In the early scene in lecture hall, Dominique Swains' hair alternates between neatly brushed and tousled as she has dialog with the Professor. - Download Shutter Island

Dead and Gone
Artists: Bruno, Chris
Genre: Horror
Info: A wild horror comedy featuring Kathryn Bates, Quentin Jones, Kyle Gass of Tenacious D, Chris Bruno from The Dead Zone and Ben Moody from Evanescence. You only think you're alone!
Company kind:distributors
Company name:Grindstone Entertainment Group

Title: Re: Free movie online
Post by: xandunn on March 13, 2024, 01:16:28 PM
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