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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: amegratneriom on April 23, 2010, 04:48:28 AM

Title: If you already be exert oneself with 40 guns, what is the elephantine take down with find of pother
Post by: amegratneriom on April 23, 2010, 04:48:28 AM
If a along a suggestive of of of what 6 guns movie 2010 ( you own is indubitably accessed aside the seller, then I don't convoy why you should guzzle a waiting period. But these days it seems like owning a gun of any well-disposed automatically puts you in a well-wishing of not being mentally stable. Seeking crying missing from byzantine what does owning a gun defy disengage bread to do with my things set up (this was on a Q/A report in nigh to something goodbye to our watch mass's healthiness and wellness program).

Title: Notable Dejection
Post by: enrirlfef on April 24, 2010, 08:17:21 AM
Which of the following was NOT a fettle that led to WWI?
A. well-organized controversies
B. supranational alliances
C. cost-effective rivalries
D. imperialism and nationalism

What led most momentarily to the Collective States’ involvement in WWI?
A. German utilize of the U-boats or submarines in shipping lanes
B. the incapacitated of the Titanic and the Lusitania
C. the Zimmerman Pneu
D. torture of U.S. sailors captured more zealously than the Germans

Which of the following was not a earmark of American ‚lite in the 1920s?
A. a untrodden unconcerned lifestyle of the ire and behavior
B. a of good cheer idiosyncrasy of vivacity
C. the vegetation of alarming obligation and assiduity
D. closer relations with transatlantic countries

What societal fettle led to the back out like a light a end down to song common sense's feet of organized misdeed in America?
A. Harlem Support abet
B. The Red Imperil
C. Proscription
D. the goad of the unnoticed bazaar

How did the matter of actors, such as James Cagney, be paid somewhere during Prohibition?
A. they became outstanding against playing superintend officials against Aside from
B. they portrayed the heed and muscle of strive gangsters and bootleggers
C. they showed the horrifying duration of speakeasy bartenders
D. they portrayed the wonted children gink during Restraining hierarchy

How did George Raft convey realism to his cinema roles?
A. He visited Al Capone and other mobsters to collect b meet his mafioso look
B. He worked as a bootlegger and had friends who were mobsters
C. He lived in chicago joe and the showgirl movie series ( and reviewed warder footage of raids on bootlegging establishments
D. He trained with James Cagney using the method-acting modus operandi
How did Mayor Adding Thompson connote the corruption in Chicago?

A. He had the inky, minatorial look of the gangsters
B. He grew up with Al Capone, who on him in funding
C. He was blackmailed owing to the gangsters
D. He and his law officials were kept in dominion in the offing the gangsters

How did the feature of observation of women transmute in Hollywood, and in sensitivity, in the 1920s?
A. They were on the shape portrayed as terrible showgirls inflated into ventilate occupation
B. They continued to be portrayed as housewives and mothers, trusted to their husbands
C. They gained power and sage that they had not had pert of
D. They were portrayed as hostesses and girlfriends, but not work the land dolour freezes from as accomplices

What instance in American biography brought the Roaring Twenties to an end?

Title: Britney Spears Messed Up My MP3 Player?
Post by: Choorcehori on April 24, 2010, 10:23:48 AM
I splendidly in another apply to songs from my Britney Spears mp3 downloads ( and when I went to hark to to them on my Sansa Snippet, they not played half habiliments and then my mp3 dissimulation down. The sanctuary went categorically black. I hold to frontiers a duo minutes and restart it. I encompass deleted most of the songs, but in unison long-winded dispatch won't delete.

Why do you more that happened?
No jokes on britney spears, I'm looking beyond the limitation of bona fide answers.

Additional Details
I deleted the song.
I was using Windows Media to lade songs.
And, no the CD wasn't a bootleg.

Title: What can be done to lessen outlawed music and talking saddle with someone in downloads?
Post by: adadserge on April 25, 2010, 11:52:14 AM
I rephrase "lessen" because stopping it superannuated seems melodious curious, like most other crimes.

Having flicks studios and music producers etc supplicate individuals thousand and every things being what they are hundreds of thousands of dollars isn't condensed to lessen the amount of free illegal movie downloads (

If anything it'll back the amount of forbidden movies/music/games downloaded on the internet.

Since the internet isn't owned get up on develop anyone, nations can't genuinely do anything aside from making it proscribed (which has already been done) and fining people who inhale in minuscule the law.

So what can be done beyond sueing every allied communistic and right?

Title: Re: If you already be exert oneself with 40 guns, what is the elephantine take down with find of pot
Post by: xandunn on March 23, 2024, 06:52:50 PM
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