St Avenue Logistic Sdn Bhd

General Category => Logistics & Warehousing => Topic started by: ireniahuang on April 25, 2010, 10:16:51 PM

Title: How does it work; the Active Directory
Post by: ireniahuang on April 25, 2010, 10:16:51 PM
There are several data and information to be managed in our computer. Hence, we definitely need something to manage and handle them in a proper manner. Without proper management of our files, everything will be very messy and this will only make our job to be more difficult. Fortunately, Microsoft has identified such problem and they have discovered already developed a function called active directory. This function has been developed greater than a decade ago and many experts have widely used. It is far from surprised to see this function being widely used because it indeed offers us many advantageous. All the files in our computer are actually arranged neatly but we need some indicator to tell us where exactly our files are. That's the place where active directory plays its role. The structure of this directory is made easy so that our files can be retrieved easily. There are various levels of viewing this directory namely forests, trees and domains. Forest is one among the top level followed by the tree. Then you can see domains under the tree level. Domains are the lowest level of all. Active directory is good you might say that the upgrading and updating process can be combined into a single process. Whenever you have some new application to be installed on several computers, all you want to do is to use this directory and all your problems will be solved. The forest structure permits you to install everything in just one computer and the other computers will have the application as well. Updating will also be made easy through the unique structure. Besides that, the structure also offers you a?substantial amount?of flexibility. Not everybody can access into the particular domain and when you wish one of them to access into it, you can just allow the pup alone to access it without giving other parties the permission to intrude the domain.

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Title: Re: How does it work; the Active Directory
Post by: xandunn on March 30, 2024, 10:50:14 AM
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