Title: Home - George W. Bush Presidential Center - SMU Post by: handbagsshop on April 08, 2011, 07:42:51 AM Through February 6, 2011, visitors can preview some of the Presidential Center’s historic holdings at SMU’s Meadows Museum. The free exhibit,landscape oil painting (http://www.hotoilpainting.com), “Breaking New Ground: Presenting the George W. Bush Presidential Center,” showcases the building design, ongoing initiatives of The Bush Institute and key artifacts and papers of the Bush Administration.
Although the physical home of the Presidential Center will open in 2013,landscape oil painting (http://www.hotoilpainting.com), its work is well under way. Opportunities for SMU students have included classroom visits by former President George W. Bush and internships at the Bush Center. Students and faculty also have participated in conferences at SMU sponsored by The Bush Institute. Topics have included education leadership, educating the women and girls of Afghanistan,landscape oil painting (http://www.hotoilpainting.com), natural gas development, and the use of technology by cyber-dissidents to promote democracy. Student groups also have toured the Bush library materials site in Lewisville, outside Dallas. Read news from the George W. Bush Presidential Center's website. SMU is home to the George W. Bush Presidential Center, which consists of the presidential archives, containing documents and artifacts of the Bush Administration; a museum with permanent and traveling exhibits; and an independent public policy institute. Groundbreaking took place November 16, 2010. Watch the webcast of the event. 相关的主题文章: http://www.talgs.com/forum/index.php?topic=377710.msg622068#msg622068 (http://www.talgs.com/forum/index.php?topic=377710.msg622068#msg622068) http://007corner.com/SMF/index.php?topic=393503.msg458256#msg458256 (http://007corner.com/SMF/index.php?topic=393503.msg458256#msg458256) http://www.worldwideclothing.com/forum/index.php?topic=5141.msg7032#msg7032 (http://www.worldwideclothing.com/forum/index.php?topic=5141.msg7032#msg7032) |