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General Category => Oil & Gas Industry => Topic started by: 21psfoulj on April 14, 2011, 05:36:15 AM

Title: Pig a agreeable see by the formula . namely you miss the pleasure.
Post by: 21psfoulj on April 14, 2011, 05:36:15 AM
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 people = eat + sleep + work + melodrama ,
 Pigs = eat + sleep ,
 substitution : Human = Pigs + work + play ,
 namely: human - Play = Pigs + work .
 Conclusion: do not know people who play will work = pig
 Men = eat + slumber + acquire money Pigs = eat + sleep
 substitution : Men = Pigs + earn money
 ie: pig = man - so the men do not make money make money
 mean pig
 Women = eat + sleep + spend.
 Pigs = eat + sleep.
 substitution : Women = Pigs + spend
 namely: Women - cost = Pigs .
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Now I know the word you were thinking of, but actually “EAR” fills in our blank. Hearing loss has become a major concern for all ages.  Maybe you have never considered cutting grass a hazard. Did you ever come in from cutting the grass and your ears are ringing?  Well, it’s not the phone!  Here is an interesting statistic. A typical lawn mower emits 90 to 140 dB of noise which is considered a very dangerous level since any noise above 80dB is considered harmful.   When mowing your lawn, I would highly recommend Noise Canceling Headphones. Noise canceling headphones serve two purposes.  1. They block out 80% to 90% of outside noise.   2. Noise-canceling headphones allow you to be listening to your favorite sounds or music instead.  You can also choose to use ACTIVE noise canceling headphones which provide you with ‘white noise’ that is not harmful to your hearing.  .
Protect yourself from hearing loss with noise canceling headphones or noise canceling earphones today since you only have one set of ears. Preserving our hearing with noise canceling headphones is something we all need to be concerned about today.