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1  General Category / General Discussion / Military Weapons Sales in Latin America - Who is Russia Selling Military Hardware To? on: July 09, 2010, 01:56:30 PM
Newport Beach, California is a city by the sea, filled with beautiful scenery and activities and entertainment for people of all ages. Newport is not just an exciting and refreshing city. Psychologists in Newport are developing self-help holistic ways for people to cope with the stress and anger associated with our modern society.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists are working to help people overcome difficult emotions such as anger. Anger can be a dangerous emotion when we don't know how to handle it, and with these new techniques and perspectives, we're getting closer to having happy fulfilling lives. Anger is a destructive emotion because it causes people to lose sight of good and heighten the bad aspects of the subject of their anger. The tool to dealing with anger is being able to identify it and incorporate patience into our live. In order to identify anger, we have to consciously watch our mind for negative thoughts and prevent them from developing into anger. Then we need to keep our mind calm and unaffected. Once we can distance ourselves from anger, we can overcome it. If we keep our mind cool, we can face any challenge, especially problems controlling our anger.

Another problem that psychologists in Newport Beach are addressing is the family dynamic and how to keep it healthy. Raising kids is becoming more difficult with each generation. With our busy life and demanding jobs, it is hard to know what we are supposed to do in difficult situations. The key to healthy children is being involved with their personalities, lives and emotions. One of the most important things is to keep a connection with your child in order to assure them a safe environment they can trust. Also, being involved with their activities and social life will help them know you care and want to understand. Remember to listen to them completely and wait to give advice. This makes teenagers and kids feel respected and heard. We all love to be listened to. Lastly, love your kids and make sure not to overburden them.

When stressed, and looking for a solution, try meditation and not medication. Meditation can seem impossible, difficult and meant for the enlightened, but simple breathing exercises can help you calm yourself and reflect. To start of find a quiet place with few disturbances, close your eyes and breath deeply, in and out. Try to clear your mind on all worries and thoughts. If you do this for as long as you can and add time each day, you will find yourself in a peaceful state of mind, ready to tackle all obstacles.
2  General Category / General Discussion / Armed and Extremely Sensitive on: July 09, 2010, 01:52:39 PM
The Flying Weathermen of the Second World War were their own pilots, gunners and observers. Their planes retained the fighting armor, but three of the five guns were removed to make room for extra equipment. Still, the two remaining guns were workable, and the pilots frequently used them. Often flying by instruments alone, in the teeth of wind, ice and cloud, the reconnaissance men found holes for t h e bombers, or eli-e radioed back information that kept the big planes grounded. Sometimes, when one target could not be reached, an alternate target was arranged. The P-38s, usually sent out in pairs for their own protection, ranged two hundred miles or more ahead of the bombers. Sometimes a second pair was sent out to relay radio messages from the leaders to the controls at bomber bases. This procedure generally reduced the number of false starts and futile missions, and also cut down the hazards to be met by the bombers.

Enemy interceptors and attack fire were bad enough, without having to buck the weather, too. Weather plays pranks and does unpredictable things sometimes, but its behavior usually falls into a fairly consistent pattern. The high and low pressure areas and the storm fronts move in a general west to east procession in the northern hemisphere. This fact was an advantage to the Allies in Europe because the British Isles knew what the weather was to be before Fortress Europa did. It was an Allied disadvantage in the Pacific, for there Japan got the weather first. To make even fuller use of t h e west-to-east weather movement, both sides tried to establish weather stations in Greenland. Such stations were bombed and bombarded until finally the Americans took firm control, as protectors, in both Greenland and Iceland. Weathermen in the far northern latitudes battled cold, hardship and homesickness on assignments that cut them off from the rest of t h e world for months at a time.

They fell into glacial crevasses and were lost. They were frozen to death, were drowned in icy waters, and one was engulfed by a river of molten lava that burst from Mt. Washington on Chuginidak Island in the Aleutians. At far northern weather stations the instruments were mounted on stilts to keep them from being buried in the snow. Camps actually were covered with snowdrifts, and the men got in and out by means of escape hatches built in the roofs. To fill out other gaps on the worldwide weather map, small "Met" detachments carried their own supplies and equipment into the remote regions of China, India and Burma. Additional supplies reached some of these posts only by parachute
3  General Category / General Discussion / Military Search - Online Information Route on: July 09, 2010, 01:49:24 PM
Whether you are searching for records on serving US soldiers, or information on old World War 1 military records, or records relating to more recent conflicts, you can now have instant access to this research using online tools. You can investigate practically anyone including friends, family members, neighbors, potential dates, old friends, or even fellow employees, and others. In fact, many government officials also rely on the public records dataonline sources to perform their daily job functions.

Rather than hire an expensive detective agency, you can now research army records online from the comfort of your own home. Sign up and register today as a member, and use the records database to carry out your military search with ease. Discover the unique stories and details of military service that help you uncover the heroes in your own family, or help research history for your own particular project. Nothing of real value is free - but this service offers very reasonable rates to become a member, especially good value if you are researching a lot of US military records.

This service is an inexpensive yet easy way to start searching for the people or records you require access to. It certainly beats travelling across the state or the country to visit forbidding government buildings, and to wait in line, then feeling under time pressure as you ploughing your way through the military archives in a given time slot, before closing time!

Information on individuals currently in the armed forces, and stationed overseas, or in a sensitive position, may not beso readily available, but you can find veterans' military records and all other army and navy service records online.

A person's military record will contain some basic information - such as name, branch of military, enlisting date, discharge date, battles fought, pension records, medical records, decorations received and much more besides. You can also download DD214 Forms here (ie copy discharge papers), or request replacement documents.
4  General Category / General Discussion / McChrystal's Resignation - A Warning to the Nation? on: July 09, 2010, 01:45:54 PM
Many people with extensive military experience believe that General Stan McChrystal's resignation, was less about the inflammatory comments he and staff members made about the President of the United States and other civilian leaders and officials, are more about some issues associated with America's involvement in military operations in Afghanistan.

To understand why a four star General would willingly make comments that he knew would result in his dismissal requires one to understand some of the history and personalities associated with America's involvement in Vietnam.

We must remember that Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara wrote in his memoirs several years ago that he was convinced in 1966 that America's efforts in Vietnam would ultimately be in vain, largely because the government of South Vietnam was too corrupt and inept to ever take full control of the country. When asked why he didn't tell President Johnson what his thoughts were, McNamara replied that he felt his role as SecDef was to support whatever opinions and policies the President had, and the President wanted to keep America in Vietnam.

McNamara admitted that he should have said something to his boss, vice aiding and abetting several more years of American involvement in a war he knew was unwinnable as "winning" was described by LBJ and others. Sadly, from the time McNamara realized that America should get out of Vietnam until we actually did leave, tens of thousands of additional American boys (most were under age 22) died in the jungles of that doomed nation.

I write this historical orientation to illustrate my point; that I believe that McChrystal has thought out a series of actions, these statements included among them, that are designed to ensure he can have a clear conscience in the future that he did everything possible, including sacrificing his career, to serve notice to the President and others that we must get our forces out of that Godforsaken country and stop trying to make them into a country that somehow resembles an western democracy.
5  General Category / General Discussion / The Pernicious Theory of the ISI and Pakistan on Afghanistan on: July 09, 2010, 01:37:14 PM
There is a pernicious theory doing the rounds that Afghanistan is the grave yard of all occupying armies and the Afghans have never been defeated. The origin of this theory is Pakistan and its powerful ISI. They point to the fact that Afghans made the Russian army bite the dust and even earlier the British fought their Afghan wars without much success.

But this is a simplification and its purpose is to force the United States to have a rethink about its operations in Afghanistan and perhaps withdraw from that country, creating a vacuum that Pakistan would like to fill along with the Taliban.

But the facts speak otherwise. The theory that the Afghans have never been defeated is far from truth. A look at the pages from ancient history will show that the Greeks under Alexander subdued the Afghans as well as the Persian rulers. Much later the hordes from central Asia -the Mongols also occupied Afghanistan. In the recent past the Sikh Maharajah Ranjit Singh also subdued the Afghans. The Sikh general Hari Singh Nalwa spread terror among the Afghans and won a string of victories.

The fact remains that the Afghans have been subdued in the past and this pernicious theory spread by the ISI to demoralize the Americans is worth for what it is-a selective interpretation of History. What however stands out is that Afghanistan is a barren and mountainous country, which was not worth holding and the occupying armies thus just left the place.

Now that equation has changed as Afghanistan is supposed to be sitting on mineral wealth valued at almost 3 trillion dollars and thus perhaps the foreign powers may not like to leave easily. The afghan war thus has to be seen in another perspective. The first thing General David Petraeus the new commander of US forces in Afghanistan must do is to draw sustenance from history that the afghans represented by the Taliban and Al Qaeda can be defeated. The entire war strategy has to emanate from that point of thought.

The new US commander must also realize that a defeat for American arms in Afghanistan will be the beginning of the end of the USA as a world power. The extreme Islamic groups will be heartened and will follow up with strikes on the USA itself. Let us hope that President Obama does not go down in history as the man who threw down the towel in Afghanistan. A retreat there will have disastrous consequences.
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