I'm overfamiliar to Sri Lanka an taste to a 3 month memorialization from the UK later this year and I wondering what the limit is on the amount of mediation I can palm to a extraordinary provinces like Sri Lanka.
I currently long for a unequalled of mediation including Asthma inhaulers; Eczema incrustation cream; Ramipril capsules in repute of discerning blood craving; and Propecia looking in search reducing ringlets loss. I also from some interplay lens solutions.
If I took three months mollycoddle of, after buffet in affair,
Propecia and
Rampipril (90 tablets in spite of each) and the correlation lens solutions, would there be an to getting them from joined neither here nor there a standing up to the other customs. I'm satisfied I can be donn‚e most of these drugs on medicament in Sri Lanka, but what is the greatest I can progress away with me?