Research has been carried out on both the internal and external aspects of
argan oil. Many companies use the oil in their
beauty products since it has been shown clinically to restore the water-lipid layer in skin, increase oxygen to the skin cells, fight free radicals and deliver nutrients to the skin.
Research in rats have shown that
argan oil lowers levels of plasma LDL cholesterol. Follow up studies have confirmed it can fight
cardiovascular disease.
Because argon oil is rich in antioxidants it has also been studied as a
cancer preventative. It was shown to slow the growth of many different prostrate cancer cells.
Studies have also shown that argan oil decreases insulin resistance and may be useful in
treating diabetes.
It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons a day to get the health benefits of argan oil.
The Best
Bio Shop is your one stop store for organic &
natural products.
100% Bio Argan: Leader in Argan Oil Export from Morocco